Tak kenal maka tak sayang.
((English version noted below))
((English version noted below))
Kalau kamu gak rela merogoh kocek 550 - 650 ribu untuk bisa sampai ke
Pemuteran dari bandara di Denpasar (rent car). Itu artinya kamu harus kenalan sama bus dan
elf yang akan membantu kamu sebagai backpacker untuk bisa sampai ke Pemuteran. 🚌🚍
Top of mind orang-orang di Bali tentang terminal Ubung adalah CALO yang sungguh menyebalkan. Tapi, bersahabatlah dengan para calo yang udah meneriaki mu dari seberang terminal, atau bahkan sudah buka bagasi mobilmu saat taxi mu belum berhenti. Karena bisa jadi mereka adalah sumber infomasi utama untuk tujuan mu selanjutnya. Nah, sebelum kamu jadi sebel duluan saat tiba di Ubung, saya kasih trick menghindar dari serbuan para calo di Ubung. Saya punya satu kata ajaib, mantra yang bisa bikin para calo itu mundur.![]() |
Hati-hati, ELF nya makan orang. CANIBAL. |
Yes, itu mantra nya. Seririt adalah kota kecil sebelum desa Pemuteran, jarak tempuh 45 menit dengan bus sambungan. Karena gak ada bus yang langsung ke Pemuteran, so kamu harus transit di Seririt lalu ambil Jurusan Gilimanuk dari Jembatan Seririt.
Terminal Ubung - Denpasar → Seririt (Jembatan Seririt). Seririt → Pemuteran.
How it work?
Masuk dari gerbang utama terminal Ubung kalian bisa langsung melihat mobil ELF
merah muram usang tak bergairah, *Lol, I mean, maroon. Atau kalau lagi gak
tersedia di depan pintu gerbang, coba tengok ke belakangan terminal, biasanya
dia nangkring bareng bus antar desa lain di belakang terminal. Berangkat setiap
saat. Saat bus penuh, saat penumpang mau bayar lebih karena terburu-buru,
ataupun saat si supir mood untuk jalan segera. *lol, that's how local transport
work in some part of Indonesia. Selain ke Seririt, bus atau Elf ini juga melayani
jurusan Singaraja. Kota besar di Bali Barat, Kabupaten Buleleng.
Terminal Ubung |
Google bilang jarak tempuh Ubung - Seririt sekitar 87.3 Km, dengan waktu tempuh 2 jam 16 menit. Tapi faktanya adalah 3 jam! Yess people, angkotnya ngetem! Jalur perjalanan si bus elf merah lewat daerah Pupuan, bukan Bedugul. Tapi perjalanan selama 3jam terbayar dengan pemandangan hamparan hijaunya padi dengan sistem terasering di kiri dan kanan jalan. Biasanya warga lokal membayar Rp.40.000 untuk bisa sampai ke jembatan Seririt.
Terminal Ubung bagian belakang. |
Selalu ingatkan supir untuk turun di jembatan Seririt. Sesampainya di Seririt,
kamu bisa langsung naik mobil Elf merah maroon jurusan Gilimanuk. Google bilang
jarak tempuh 37,5Km, waktu tempuh 55 menit. Tapi saya waktu tempuh saya cuma 45
menit. Biasanya supir sudah hapal sederet hotel, guesthouse ataupun dive center
di Pemuteran. Jadi penumpang bisa mengingatkan supir untuk berhenti di hotel
atau guesthouse ataupun landmark didaerah terdekat. Biaya nya sekitar Rp.25.000
- Rp. 35.000 untuk warga lokal. Bus ELF dari Seririt ke Pemutaran tersedia hingga jam 4 sore. Selanjutnya, kalau terlambat sampai Seririt, akan ada beberapa ojek motor menawarkan diri untuk mengantar ke Pemuteran dengan harga sekitar Rp.40.000.
Pemuteran dari Banyuwangi, Jawa.
Dengan transportasi lokal dan jarak tempuh, sebenarnya Pemuteran lebih mudah di jangkau dari Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur. Dari Jawa bagian manapun, kalian bisa naik kereta api ke Pemuteran. Stasiun terakhir adalah Banyuwangi Baru. Dari Banyuwangi Baru, melangkah lah sekitar 300 meter menuju pelabuhan ferry untuk menyebrang ke Bali. Pelabuhan Ketapang - Banyuwangi menuju Pelabuhan Gilimanuk - Bali. Harga kapal ferry hanya Rp.6000,-. Walaupun Bali terlihat sangat dekat dengan Banyuwangi, tapi waktu tempuh menyebrang sekitar 1 jam. Dikarenakan arus kencang di selat antara Bali dan Jawa. Dari pelabuhan Gilimanuk, ojek akan mengantar ke pertigaan besar, Cekik, untuk naik bus ELF merah. Ongkosnya sekitar Rp.10000,-. Lalu dari Pertigaan, bus Elf merah maroon akan mengantar kalian ke Pemutaran dengan ongkos Rp.25000,-.
Easy right? Hah! So, kapan kamu ke Pemuteran?
Easy right? Hah! So, kapan kamu ke Pemuteran?
Wanita seksi nan tangguh dibelakang saya sudah mencoba, kamu bisa tanya pengalamannya membaur dengan warga lokal di bus Elf ke Pemuteran. Tanya dia tentang menunggu bus hingga 3jam di Ubung sampai dengan duduk dengan pria dengan aroma special. Menyenangkan. *ROFL
How to get to Pemuteran?
(For picture illustration see the picture on the article above)
If you are willing to Pay Rp. 550-650.000(approximately $50-60) for one way, there are plenty of non taxi-meter will drive you to Pemuteran. Otherwise, if you wanna have it with public transport, affordable and adventurous, you are redirected to the right page! Here you go.
The easiest way going to Pemuteran or other part of bali with public transportation is on daylight. My starting point is Ngurah Rai International Airport, or any Denpasar Area. Activated your uber, or any online transport application such as GOJEK(most used in Indonesia, made by Indonesian), or Grab. Then choose your starting point to Terminal Ubung. Ubung terminal is one of big terminal that served many route to West Bali area or even to Java. It cost you around Rp.75-100.000($7-10) from Denpasar area to terminal Ubung. Actually, going with online is a bit risky, they are rejected to pick up the passenger by the local community transport. It's a difficult to choose whether to have an online that is easier and cheaper, or have a local taxi that (so many times not even sometime) expensive and have to bargain a lot to get to somewhere. Either supporting offline based that is more locally, or online that is easier, quicker and affordable. I most of the time choose online based transport, because the driver still local people and it's much easier anyway. Well, it just my two cents.
Ubung to Seririt.
You HAVE TO BE CAREFUL to the scam in Ubung Terminal. There are plenty of ticket broker (broker? scalper?) on the entrance gate. Sometime they are aggressively offer and bring you to their bus company/bus route. I had a bad experience on my first time went to Ubung. They had open my door even my car wasn't stop yet. But now, they will move away when seeing me. Lol. They may just bored seeing me coming without needed their help. How come? So, here is my secret. Spell them.... "SERIRIT!"
Lol. :D
Seririt is one of (quite big) city close to Pemuteran. The hub to some city around west Bali. Take the maroon ELF-bus on the entrance gate (looks like the first picture on top). If they are not available check to the exit gate, there will be a white bus on the bus platform. The bus will going every hour. But you have understood how is this going as a local. The condition is like this ; They will going every hour ; - if the bus is almost full, - if the driver want make run to cheat his fellow driver, -if there are somebody who wanna pay more to go quickly). Lol, that's the local way isn't it?
Google said Ubung - Seririt takes 87.3 kilometer, with 2 hours and 16 minute. In fact, I took it 3 hours! They route should be through Pupuan area not Bedugul(I used to drive with my motorbike through Bedugul route). It cost you about Rp.40000($3.5), depends if you bring lots of carrier or not.
You have to remind your driver to stop you to Seririt, Jembatan Seririt. He will dropped you to Jembatan Seririt, it's a bridge connection from Seririt to the next city. Not sure whether it's connection or not, the area after Jembatan Seririt still Seririt area. Hhuumm... But still, your stop will be on Jembatan Seririt.
If you are from West part, you can go to Negara or Gilimanuk area, take the bus to Pemuteran from Negara or Gilimanuk bus terminal.
To sum up Denpasar to Pemuteran (apply for return route);
Google said Ubung - Seririt takes 87.3 kilometer, with 2 hours and 16 minute. In fact, I took it 3 hours! They route should be through Pupuan area not Bedugul(I used to drive with my motorbike through Bedugul route). It cost you about Rp.40000($3.5), depends if you bring lots of carrier or not.
You have to remind your driver to stop you to Seririt, Jembatan Seririt. He will dropped you to Jembatan Seririt, it's a bridge connection from Seririt to the next city. Not sure whether it's connection or not, the area after Jembatan Seririt still Seririt area. Hhuumm... But still, your stop will be on Jembatan Seririt.
From Seririt to Pemuteran.
I suggest you to take the latest bus from Ubung is at 12 noon. Because the latest bus from Seririt to Pemuteran maybe around 4pm or 4.30pm. The ELF-bus looks like the elf-bus that bring you from Ubung to Seririt. Otherwise, if you reach Seririt lately, there will be an Ojek, motorbike transport which will offers to ride you to Pemuteran. Going with the elf-bus from Seririt to Pemuteran, what Google said, is 37,5km, with 55minute. But I used to took it only 45 minute. The driver seems already knowing exactly the hotel, guesthouse or dive center in Pemuteran. So you just tell them your drop point. Unless they don't know it, you can just tell them the landmark of your drop point. It cost you Rp.25000($2) or Rp.45000($4) with Ojek.Any other part of Bali - Amed.
From South to East Bali, wherever you are, you can catch up which going to Singaraja. Those bus will going to Seririt also. Or if you are from Tulamben or Amed, go to Abang then get the bus which goes directly to Pemuteran, named Adi Jaya bus.If you are from West part, you can go to Negara or Gilimanuk area, take the bus to Pemuteran from Negara or Gilimanuk bus terminal.
To sum up Denpasar to Pemuteran (apply for return route);
Terminal Ubung - Denpasar → Seririt (Jembatan Seririt). Seririt → Pemuteran.
Safe travel and see you in Pemuteran!
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